
Your Fitness Guide Post Breast Surgery

Written by Dr Isolde Hertess | Aug 14, 2023 4:19:22 AM

Breast augmentations are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures on the Gold Coast with many of our patients reporting an increase in self-confidence and self-esteem after their surgery. 

These patients have typically followed our recommended guide to getting back into the groove of life and exercise after breast surgery, in order to fully recover from their procedure. While each patient is unique, and the healing process is different for everyone,  a slow approach back to normality applies to everyone, irrespective of your fitness level or overall health condition. 

Other than taking the right medication and getting plenty of rest within the first 48 hours, gently moving your body is also an essential part of healing after a breast augmentation, particularly around the one-two week mark. This ensures proper circulation is maintained, strength is gained and the body is recovering in a realistic and safe timeframe. 

Your Post Breast Surgery Fitness Guide:

Four to five days after surgery, you should move gently to maintain good circulation but be patient as your body works to recover. We advise patients to begin mild walking post-surgery, nothing excessive, just small steps around the house or in your garden every other hour.

Gentle cardio after a breast augmentation can be resumed after one to two weeks. However, to minimise problems in the operated area, be sure to listen to your body. A short stroll on the beach is a nice place to start for this timeframe. In addition, it is best to stick to the cooler times of the day and avoid raising your heart rate or body temperature too much.

As you regain strength two-three weeks post-op, try cycling on a stationary bike or going for a low-intensity hike to increase your strength and endurance. But, keep in mind that it’s important to maintain your intensity around 50-60% of your "usual" pace.  Also, refrain from doing any upper bodywork or squats at this time.

At this point, you'll have a visit to your doctor and they will assess your progress and approve more intense training, such as weight lifting. Lower-body workouts and core strengthening are recommended to avoid overworking the pectoral muscles. But, you should still avoid bouncing, jogging, and jumping in the 4-6 weeks post breast augmentation.

Why is it important to follow our guidelines?

Working out after a breast augmentation raises the risk of overusing the pectoral muscles. The vast majority of breast implants are put behind the major pec muscle. As a result, the muscle will need to recover from surgery before engaging in resistance training. The scar tissue, or capsule, that lines the pocket that contains the implant is the cause for this. This begins to develop shortly following surgery which is why we must take special care of our bodies, and protect this specific area.

Capsules around the implant are a normal part of breast surgery and every woman will experience them. This is just our body's attempt to protect against the foreign implant that it does not recognise. The objective is for the capsule to develop in such a way that it essentially becomes “part of the body”. Therefore, over the first four weeks, it is highly advised to avoid excessive workouts after breast surgery so as to avoid overusing the pectoral muscles.

Important Takeaways for Working Out After Breast Surgery

We understand, the urge to move your body sets in when you are recovering – especially when you are used to being physically active and receiving that endorphin rush from daily training. It can be frustrating, but rest assured if you are able to be patient, respect your body, and follow our guide, your’ll be back into the swing of things before you know it. 

For a consultation with Dr. Hertess, one of the the most highly acclaimed female plastic surgeons, connect with us at or phone (07) 5601 0492.

Dr Hertess (MED0001372020) Registered Medical Practitioner, Specialist Plastic Surgeon (Specialist Registration in Surgery - Plastic Surgery)