Gynaecomastia: treating "man boobs"

Gynaecomastia: treating "man boobs"
Gynaecomastia is usually caused by a hormone imbalance where breast gland tissue swells due to a reduction in the male hormones (testosterone) or an increase in female hormones (oestrogen). It can be brought on by puberty, ageing, specific medications and other health conditions that will alter hormones. Obesity is another common cause as obesity not only increases oestrogen, but the excess fat also increases the size of a the breasts. Losing weight may help, but not always.
Common causes:
- Hormonal imbalances
- Puberty
- Ageing
- Medications
- Other health conditions
- Obesity
It can effect only one breast or both, creating unevenness and a lopsided appearance. Although not a serious condition, Gynaecomastia can cause pain and some men can feel self-conscious and embarrassed about the condition. The symptoms can range from a smaller lump to larger breasts. The excess breast tissue can cause the breasts to sag and the areola to increase in size.
Surgery for Gynaecomastia will require incisions to remove breast tissue, due to this, scarring may be visible. This is sometimes avoidable by hiding the incisions in the natural contours of the breast or in the areola. Scarring can be an unavoidable part of any surgery journey. Keep your expectations in check and be sure to ask Dr Hertess Plastic Surgery Gold Coast any questions you may have to give clarity and the knowledge you need to make informed decisions.
Often performed under local anaesthetic, the operation usually takes 30 minutes to an hour for each side that needs to be treated. Due to the risks carried with having local anaesthetic, we always recommend speaking to your surgeon to know the risks and any potential complications. Medications you are taking can affect the anaesthetic, so be sure to communicate all of these to your surgeon. Dr Hertess Plastic Surgery Gold Coast will take you through all of the details entailed with this surgery. It’s important to understand that you will need to have realistic expectations in regards to results from plastic surgery. Perfection is never achievable, improvement is.
For this type of surgery it is best to wait until breasts have fully developed, if you are younger and are still going through puberty, your surgeon may recommend waiting a few more years before opting for surgery.
Gynaecomastia surgery is not a substitute for weight loss and is not recommended for men that are overweight. For this surgery to be successful long term, you need to be at a stable weight can be sustained to maintain results. Before undergoing surgery, we will advise you to stop any medication that has caused the condition, and the use of drugs and alcohol.
If you are self conscious about your enlarged breasts, experience discomfort due to breast tissue being tender and sore, and your breasts are fully developed - this type of surgery is suitable for you. In some cases, revision surgery will be required to remove excess skin from the breast area and to correct irregularities.
The benefits of Gynaecomastia Surgery
- Can improve self-confidence, intimacy and close personal relationships
- The ability to wear stylish, form-fitting clothing
- Shirtless liberation for summer fun
- Garments used to disguise and compress the breasts can be discarded
Know your surgeon - Dr Hertess's qualifications:
- Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
- Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons
- Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
- Member of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Dr Hertess (MED0001372020) Registered Medical Practitioner, Specialist Plastic Surgeon (Specialist Registration in Surgery - Plastic Surgery).